How is WebAssembly Transforming Modern Development?

WebAssembly (Wasm) has revolutionized how developers approach web and software development. Initially designed to enhance performance and reduce the resource demands of web applications, Wasm has evolved…

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Rethinking Cloud Architecture: The Pitfalls of “Architecture by Conference”

One reason for misconceptions about cloud security is the lack of understanding about the architecture of public cloud providers. Many people are unaware of where their data…

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Are Microclouds the Future of GPU Cloud Services?

In an ever-evolving tech landscape, the demand for GPU resources is skyrocketing, driven primarily by advancements in generative AI. Traditional cloud giants like AWS, Google Cloud, and…

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Cloud Security: Unveiling Truths and Managing Risks

The reputation of cloud security has been a topic of debate, with some labeling it as risky despite evidence suggesting that data stored in the cloud is…

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How to Build Highly Scalable Cloud-Native Apps: 5 Essential Tips

In the realm of cloud-native app development, scalability, reliability, and cost-efficiency are paramount. The redesign of the Apache Kafka engine, resulting in the creation of Kora, offers…

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Understanding Istio: The Kubernetes Service Mesh Explained

Istio is an open-source service mesh platform developed by Google for managing microservices in a network. Microservices architecture simplifies development, updates, and scaling by dividing applications into…

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How Secure is Generative AI? Exploring Azure AI Content Safety

Generative AI holds both immense promise and significant risk. While it can revolutionize industries through automation and enhanced efficiency, it also has distinct failure modes that can…

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Why are diverse cloud providers gaining popularity?

Cloud computing has become a cornerstone of modern technology, driven largely by the Big Three cloud providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform…

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Red Hat AI Integration: Enhancing OpenShift and Linux

Red Hat is making significant strides in integrating generative AI into its product suite, particularly with its Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) platforms….

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AI coding: insights from developers

In recent years, the use of generative AI tools in coding has gained immense popularity. These tools promise to revolutionize coding practices by automating various tasks, from…

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